Arthur Spronken

Arthur Spronken, who was laid to rest in 2018 at the age of 87, was one of the best-known contemporary sculptors in the Netherlands. Many of his monumental creations can be admired in public spaces and museums throughout the Netherlands. Famous for his powerful bronze horse sculptures, his artistic creativity consisted of periods of intense activity and periods of contemplation and reflection. Each period was necessary and he often worked for years on several sculptures simultaneously. He had a never-ending patience.Arthur Spronken left behind a large collection of monumental bronze and wooden sculptures, drawings and paintings on their self-built estate named “Varpullan” - named after his wife - who was a well-known painter. Together, they raised five children. The legacy that Arthur and his wife Varpu Tikanoja (1928-1983) left behind, is unique. It represents the birthplace of his sculptures and nowhere else is his energy more sensible. Some of these works are still located in and around his atelier in Kelmond.This website is made in honor of Arthur Spronken, who gave his whole life to art.